Steps to get you from Booking to Photo Day!



Choose your day or days. If different children attend on different day we can book in multiple dates in a week. Our usual days are Tuesday/Wednesday.

There is a minimum of 10 children to be in attendance on each day to complete the booking.


Fill in your school booking form.

This will include information about the packages you will be offering the students (siblings, graduation, whole group photos or composite)


Send through class lists at least 3 weeks prior to photo day. We understand there may be movement between classes or changes but we need this to plan our days, know the spelling of the day and to keep track on photo day.

(We don't want to miss anyone!)


Envelopes will be delivered 2 weeks prior to photo day. These are used to send home to the parents to put in their orders and are required to be returned on photo day,

Spares will also be provided.

Below you can see an example.